
Wise Words from Winnie the Pooh

Lessons from Winnie the Pooh Which means the most to you? Sand Hill School

Happy New Year! Wow—I can’t believe it is already 2016.

I have always been a big fan of Winnie the Pooh—so much wisdom and inspiration from a stuffed bear.

Here are some lessons from that bear—which one means the most to you? Read more »

Why Are Parents Doing Their Happy Dance?

It's back to school for all your kids Sand Hill School

It’s Back to School for all your kids!

You all love your kids and you all will do anything to see them feel proud of themselves and happy, but it seems like those last three weeks of summer just drag on.

Michelle Sturiale, our PTO chair shared the cartoon below at the PTO meeting on the first day of school. Which dance were you doing as you dropped of your child on the first day back to school? Read more »

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