Auction & Fund-a-Need

Online Auction

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The Stepping Up for Stingrays online auction is now open. Bidding will close at 9pm Pacific this Sunday, May 23, 2021.

Areas of Need at Sand Hill School

sand hill school auction fund technology
Fund Technology Needs

Technology is more important now than ever to keep our students and teachers connected and informed. Your gift will help to replace, update and grow our technology resources at the school.

sand hill school auction fund field trip
Fund a Field Trip

Help bring students once-in-a-lifetime learning experiences through field trips they’ll never forget.

sand hill school auction fund arts
Fund the Arts

Help provide supplies and materials for the school’s visual & performing arts programs, and inspire our future thespians, musicians and artists!

sand hill school auction fund teacher training
Fund Teacher Training

Great teachers are always looking for new ways to expand their instruction and engage their students. Innovative teaching is important — but it can be expensive.

sand hill school auction fund fitness
Fund Fitness

Getting the right gear is part of making physical education a fun and exciting part of every student’s day. to help them to develop healthy habits.

Fund an area of need at the school!

More details are in the auction catalog at